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The objective of this blog is to share perspectives acquired over the past decades of my life for my granddaughter Sophie, and future generations of our family.

  • 1960’s – Early in Life
    Early in life my grandparents in addition to my parents had a big impact on my life. I had the opportunity to live a few summers with my grandparents. They were strong Christians, and very active and supportive of their local church they attended. My brother and I were raised Catholic, but it really never impacted me much at the time. One thing my grandfather left me besides his wisdom… Read more: 1960’s – Early in Life
  • 1970’s – First Job – Leads to NASA
    My first job out of college was working at Texas Instruments. In the late 70″s I accepted a product support position for the TI Explorer AI LISP development platform working at NASA Johnson Space Center as a potential customer. The first orbiter, Columbia, launched on April 12, 1981, and returned on April 14, 1981, 54.5 hours later, having orbited the Earth 37 times. It has always been a vivid memory being part… Read more: 1970’s – First Job – Leads to NASA
  • 1980’s – First “Real” Encounter – The Bible
    It’s 1982. Life on earth is going along fine. You are riding your bike, enjoying a great first job in the tech industry, and spending time at NASA-Johnson Space Center in Houston. No worries. Then one day – “Houston we have a Problem“. Something happens in your life that rocks your happy world. You try to dig yourself out of the crisis, but it only gets worse. You talk to… Read more: 1980’s – First “Real” Encounter – The Bible